Journalism in the service of society

My painful knees

I am a sixty- year- old man with very painful knees. Kindly let me know how to manage my problem.

— Abass (by SMS)

It has been confirmed scientifically that if you have sore knees, even though exercise might seem like the hardest thing to do, it is still one of the best therapies for the problem. The right combination of strengthening and stretching exercises can relieve pain by helping to improve the way the joint moves and functions. When combined with pain killers, exercise has cured many cases of painful knees. It is however important to consult your doctor if this kind of therapy does not work.


Fears about Covid-19 vaccine

My friend who recently got vaccinated for Covid-19 came down with fever and body aches which took days to abate. Since I am scheduled for my own shot in a few days -time, I am worried whether or not I should go for the vaccine.

— Goriola (by SMS)

 While it is true that the Covid 19 vaccine can provoke adverse reactions in some people, it is also worth pointing out that what most people experience are only mild adverse effects. It is also important to explain that not all symptoms that occur following vaccination are caused by the vaccine. Some reactions are as a result of underlying medical conditions. In addition, while severe adverse effects are of course a matter of concern and need to be monitored closely, mild forms of fever, muscle pain, or fatigue also indicate that the immune system is responding appropriately to the vaccine. With the above, you have nothing to worry about and should go ahead with your vaccination.


How to stop hiccups

My two- month-old baby has been having Hiccups persistently for the past few weeks despite all my efforts to stop the problem. I will appreciate it if you can let me know the best way to stop the Hiccups.

— Cecilia (by E Mail)

Hiccups are most likely caused by irritation to the diaphragm, the muscle at the base of the lungs. It is when the muscle goes into spasm or cramp that the vocal cords clamp shut to create that distinctive ‘hic’ sound that mothers so much dread. It is however believed that as long as the ‘Hiccup’ is not caused by any underlying problem such as ‘gastroesophageal reflux’, there is no cause to worry. Some of the ways to stop Hiccups include; feeding the baby in the upright position, Burping the baby more often, as well as the use of pacifiers. Some mothers also find relief from the use of some Over The Counter medications.  On the whole, Hiccups stop on their own and don’t cause discomfort to babies and stop on their own without any treatment.


Fasting and kidney stones

I fast about three days a week in line with my religious faith which encourages regular fasting, I was however disturbed to learn that fasting can cause Kidney Stones. Kindly advise me on how to handle this since I love to fast regularly.

— Nkem (by SMS)

A Kidney stone (Urolithiasis) is a hard deposit of minerals and acid salts that has stuck together in concentrated urine. It can be painful when passing through the urinary tract. Apart from a high concentration of minerals and acid salts in the blood, dehydration leading to concentrated urine has been incriminated as a cause of Kidney Stones. Although some degree of controversy still surrounds the assertion that Fasting causes Kidney Stones, consumption of water during fasting is being encouraged as a way of reducing the incidence.


Covid-19 and exercise

As a keep fit expert, I want to know if it is true that exercise helps to reduce the incidence of Covid -19.

— Lekan (by SMS)

Science shows us that being physically active helps us feel better, and prevents or slows many diseases, including heart disease, cancer and other forms of ailments. Recently, some experts have added COVID 19 to this group of preventable diseases. The experts observed that found that being consistently inactive was a stronger risk factor for severe COVID-19 outcomes than any of the underlying issues.  They therefore recommended that short of vaccination and following public health safety guidelines such as social distancing and mask use, engaging in regular Physical Activity (PA) may be the single most important action individuals can take to prevent severe COVID-19 and its complications, including death. This message is especially important given the increased barriers to achieving regular PA during lockdowns and other pandemic restrictions.

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