Journalism in the service of society

Serving humanity without counting the cost or return

Mohammed Ali once said and I quote “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth”and Mahtma Gandhi echoed it by saying “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” and Laila Gift Akita crowned it with “Service to humanity is service to God “. These words set the tone for our topic today Serving Humanity without Counting Cost or Return.”
Good afternoon. I am deeply honored to stand before this group of individuals who have committed themselves to the noble cause of service above self. Each one of you, through your dedication and actions, embodies the spirit of the Rotary mission. Today, I am tasked with addressing a topic that is not only close to our hearts but also intrinsically linked to the essence of our organization – “Serving Humanity without Counting Cost or Return.”
In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, it is easy to lose sight of the profound impact that selfless service can make. Yet, as Rotarians, we are continuously reminded of this through the work that we do and the lives that we touch.
As we delve deeper into this topic today, I encourage each one of you to reflect on your own journey of service. Consider the countless lives that have been touched by your actions, and the ripple effects that have been created. Think about the rewards that you’ve received, not in material terms, but in terms of personal growth, fulfillment, and a deeper connection with humanity.
As we venture into this discourse, let us keep in mind that the spirit of service is not about expecting returns or counting costs. It’s about making a difference, about touching lives, and about contributing to a cause greater than ourselves.
Thank you for being here, for your commitment to service, and for your dedication to making a difference in the world. Let’s embark on this journey of exploration and inspiration together.
This topic lies at the heart of the Rotary mission – “Serving Humanity without Counting Cost or Return.”
First it is beneficial to draw inspiration from historical figures. While larger than life figures such as Martin Luther King and Mother TERESA are often associated with selfless service, it is worth noting that the concept of being a giver does not necessarily require extraordinary acts of sacrifices.
Dr. King’s legacy of service, courage, and love continues to inspire millions around the world. His life and work embody the essence of serving humanity without counting the cost or expecting a return. He once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'” This sentiment encapsulates his approach to life and his selfless dedication to the service of humanity.
Mother Teresa, on the other hand however, was the epitome of selfless service and love. She dedicated her life to serving the poorest of the poor, the sick, the dying, and the abandoned, viewing them as ‘Jesus in a distressing disguise’.
Mother Teresa was a beacon of hope and compassion. She believed in giving ‘wholehearted free service to the poorest of the poor’, and lived this belief every day of her life. Her selfless service earned her numerous honors, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. But for Mother Teresa, the real reward was always in the service itself, in the smiles of those she helped, in the peace she brought to their lives.
She once said, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” These words beautifully sum up her life’s mission and the essence of her selfless service. Mother Teresa passed away in 1997, but her legacy of love, compassion, and selfless service continues to inspire millions around the world.
From these two historical personalities we are proud to say that the Rotary’s motto, “Service Above Self,” beautifully encapsulates this spirit. It is a call to action, a summons to place the needs of others above our own, to make a difference in the world without expecting anything in return.
In today’s world, where success is often measured by material wealth and personal gain, it may seem unconventional, even challenging, to serve without counting the cost or expecting a return. But as Rotarians, we believe that the true essence of service lies not in what we receive, but in what we give.
When we serve without counting the cost, we are not merely providing resources or solving problems; we are touching lives and shaping futures. We are creating a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond our immediate sphere of influence. We are building a legacy of compassion, empathy, and selfless service.
The returns we receive from serving humanity are not always tangible or quantifiable. They don’t come in the form of financial rewards or material possessions. Instead, they come in the form of the joy we experience when we see the impact of our work, the satisfaction we feel when we uplift someone’s life, and the sense of purpose that fills us when we contribute to a cause greater than ourselves.
As Rotarians, we have the power and the responsibility to drive this change, to serve humanity without counting the cost, and to inspire others to do the same. We have the opportunity to exemplify the true spirit of service, to show the world that the greatest reward lies in the act of giving, not receiving.
As we gather here for this District Team Training, let’s remember that each one of us, in our own unique way, can make a profound difference. Whether it’s through our professional expertise, our volunteer efforts, or our financial contributions, every act of service counts.
When we leave this room, let us carry this message of service forward. Let us strive to serve without counting the cost or expecting a return because we understand that the greatest reward lies in the act of giving itself.
Let’s continue to uphold the values that define us, the vision that guides us, and the mission that drives us. Together, we can create a better world, one act of service at a time. It requires our determined effort , innovation and relentless pursuit of excellence, the story of Mercedes Benz exemplifies this .
The Mercedes-Benz brand was born in 1926, but its roots go back to the late 19th century, when two German engineers, Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz, independently developed the world’s first gasoline-powered automobiles.
Gottlieb Daimler, along with his partner Wilhelm Maybach, built the first high-speed petrol engine in 1885. A few years later, they created the world’s first four-wheeled automobile.
Meanwhile, Carl Benz was developing an automobile of his own. In 1886, he patented the Benz Patent-Motorwagen, which is widely regarded as the world’s first practical automobile. It was a three-wheeled vehicle powered by a rear-mounted single-cylinder engine.
The name Mercedes, however, comes from another important figure in the brand’s history – Emil Jellinek. Jellinek was an Austrian born in Germany, a businessman and automobile enthusiast who began selling Daimler’s cars in 1898. He had a daughter named Mercedes, and in 1901, he commissioned Daimler to produce a new car that he named after his daughter – the Mercedes 35 HP. This car, with its low center of gravity, lightweight design, and powerful engine, was revolutionary and set the standard for all modern cars.
In 1926, Daimler and Benz merged their companies to form Daimler-Benz AG, and they began selling cars under the brand name Mercedes-Benz. The brand’s emblem, a three-pointed star, symbolizes Daimler’s ambition of providing “universal motorization” with his engines dominating the land, sea, and air.
Since then, Mercedes-Benz has become a global icon for luxury and quality. The brand has consistently led the way in automotive innovation, introducing many safety and technological features that have become standard in all modern vehicles.
The story of Mercedes-Benz is a testament to the power of innovation, the importance of vision, and the pursuit of excellence. It is a brand that has shaped the automotive industry and continues to drive it forward.
The story of Mercedes-Benz offers several valuable lessons for us as leaders across all sectors:
1. Innovation is Key:Mercedes-Benz has consistently been at the forefront of automotive innovation, introducing numerous industry-first features that have since become standard. For us ,leaders, this underscores the importance of fostering a culture of innovation and continuously seeking ways to improve and revolutionize our products or services.
2. Quality Over Everything:Mercedes-Benz has earned a reputation for the superior quality and craftsmanship of its vehicles. This unwavering commitment to excellence is a crucial lesson for us ,leaders. Regardless of the industry, delivering high-quality products or services is vital to gaining customer trust and loyalty.
3. Visionary Thinking:The founders of Mercedes-Benz, Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz, were visionaries who could see the potential of the automobile long before others. They dared to dream big and worked tirelessly to realize their vision. Leaders can learn the importance of having a clear, bold vision and the tenacity to see it through.
4. Adaptability: Over the years, Mercedes-Benz has demonstrated an impressive ability to adapt to changing market demands and technological advancements, ensuring its continued relevance and success. This teaches us as leaders the importance of being flexible and adaptable in a rapidly evolving business and service landscape.
5. Customer Focus:The Mercedes-Benz brand is synonymous with luxury, comfort, and top-tier customer service. This customer-centric approach underlines the importance for leaders to always put the needs and expectations of their customers first.
6. Collaboration:The merger of Daimler and Benz’s companies, despite being competitors, exemplifies the power of collaboration and strategic partnerships. It reminds us as leaders that sometimes joining forces with others can lead to greater success.
The story of Mercedes-Benz therefore provides you all our leaders with valuable insights into the importance of innovation, quality, visionary thinking, adaptability, customer focus, and collaboration in achieving long-term success for our District.
As Assistant Governors, Chairmen of Committees, Zonal Coordinators, and New Club Development Chairs,each one of you plays therefore a critical role in guiding our Rotary clubs to achieve our shared goals.
Our mission, as Rotarians, is simple yet profound: we aim to create a positive, lasting change in our communities, in our world, and in ourselves. But achieving this mission is no small task. It requires leadership, collaboration, strategic planning, and a deep commitment to service.
As Assistant Governors, you serve as the vital link between the district Governor and the clubs. Your role is crucial in motivating club members, facilitating communication, and supporting clubs in achieving their objectives. Your leadership, your guidance, and your support can make a significant difference in the success of our clubs.
To the Chairmen of Committees, you are the driving force behind our various initiatives. Your role is critical in planning, coordinating, and executing our projects. Your ability to lead, to inspire, and to mobilize resources can turn our plans into reality, our ambitions into achievements.
Our Zonal Coordinators, you are the gatekeepers and the ambassadors of our clubs. You play a critical role in attracting new members, retaining existing ones, and ensuring a vibrant, diverse, and engaged membership base. Your efforts not only strengthen our clubs but also broaden our reach, amplify our impact, and ensure the sustainability of our efforts.
And to our New Club Development Chairs , you are the pioneers, the builders of new clubs. Your role is essential in expanding our network, in bringing the spirit of Rotary to new communities, and in creating new platforms for service.
As we gather here today for this District Team Training, let’s remember that while our roles may be different, our mission is the same. We are all here to serve, to make a difference, and to embody the values that define Rotary.
Let’s use this training as an opportunity to learn from each other, to share our experiences, and to strengthen our collective efforts. Let’s remember that together, we can achieve far more than we could ever achieve individually.
In conclusion,allow me to share a story that has always inspired me and I believe perhaps it will inspire you too.
This is the story of a man named Dr. Govindappa Venkataswamy, fondly known as Dr. V. Dr. V was an Indian ophthalmologist who dedicated his life to eliminating needless blindness. After developing crippling arthritis at the age of 30, which left his fingers permanently twisted, he could no longer continue his career as an obstetrician. Instead of giving up, Dr. V retrained himself as an ophthalmologist, a field that required less manual dexterity.
In 1976, after retiring, Dr. V started the Aravind Eye Hospital in India, in his brother’s home with just 11 beds. His goal was simple: to provide high-quality eye care, irrespective of the patient’s ability to pay. Many thought his vision was too grand, his goals unattainable. But Dr. V believed in serving humanity without counting the cost or expecting a return.
With his selfless dedication and relentless effort, Aravind grew. Today, Aravind Eye Care System is one of the largest provider of eye care in the world. They have treated millions of patients, the majority for free or at deeply subsidized rates, and yet the organization remains financially self-sustaining.
Dr. V passed away in 2006, but his legacy lives on. His life is a testament to the power of service, the impact one individual can make when they dedicate themselves to serving humanity without counting the cost or expecting a return.
I ask each of you to let Dr. V’s story be an inspiration to us all. Let it remind us that when we serve selflessly, when we give without counting the cost or expecting a return, we can change the world in ways we never imagined.
My fellow Rotarians,
As we reach the conclusion of this keynote address, I want you to carry with you the essence of this message – the power and importance of serving humanity without counting cost or return. Let us remember, it is in giving that we truly receive. The rewards of selfless service are not tangible or monetary; instead, they are the joy we feel, the fulfillment we experience, and the sense of purpose that fills us when we uplift someone’s life.
As Rotarians, we have chosen a path of service, a path that is not always easy, but one that is undoubtedly rewarding. As we leave here today, I encourage each of you to carry forward this spirit of selfless service in all that you do.
Remember, every act of kindness, no matter how small, makes a difference. Every contribution, regardless of its size, is valuable. Every life you touch is a testament to the power of service.
And as we continue our journey, let us strive to leave a legacy of service, a legacy that will inspire generations to come, a legacy that reflects our commitment to serving humanity without counting cost or return.
Let’s go forth, serve selflessly, touch lives, and continue to make a difference. Because at the end of the day, it is not what we take, but what we give that defines us.
Always remember the words of Dr V , I quote:
“Intelligence and capability are not enough. There must be the joy of doing something beautiful.
In closing,I want to thank each one of you for your dedication, your service, and your leadership. Together, let’s continue to uphold the spirit of Rotary, to serve above self, and to create a better world through our actions as we imbibe the Magic of Rotary.
Thank you.
Adeniji Raji, mni, is a past district governor (PDG) of Rotary International District 9110. He delivered this paper at the District Team Training Seminar (DTTS) of Rotary International District 9112 which was held at Orchid Hotels, Ikota-Lekki, Lagos on Saturday February 24, 2025. 

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