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Lemon water for weight loss

HAVE you ever tried to make lemon water? Did you make the mistake I did by just taking the lemon juice and discarding all other parts including the zest? Then you will totally relate to this post about lemons and how to properly harness its benefits. Lemon water is simply the juice of a lemon mixed with water, but in this post you will learn more about my slightly twisted lemon water that gives result.

Lemon juice has many health benefits associated with it. Polyphenols (plant chemicals) in lemons, may help to limit increases in body fat, the small amount of potassium (49 mg in the juice of one lemon) in lemons, which is only about 1 percent of what you need in a day — helps with metabolism and digestion.

Lemon water creates a caloric deficit, curbs appetite and aids your weight loss.

The best time to consume lemon water is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, this goes a long way to flush out toxins too and gets your metabolism started yet you wont feel hungry.

Here are a few important benefits of lemon water:

  • Boosts your immune system

Improves your skin condition — creating a beautiful, smooth and healthy skin.

Helps aid digestion and curbs appetite

  • Lemon water supports weight loss.
  • A lemon water detox can boost your digestion.
  • Drinking lemon water promotes hydration.

Lemon water is a great  source of vitamin C; a powerful antioxidant, which helps firm your skin.

How To Use Lemon Water For Weight Loss

REMEMBER that just drinking lemon water is of great help to your body; however, only lemons will not make you lose weight. Lemon water needs support to help you lose weight.

Lemon water can make a great path for a successful weight loss but continuous bad habits like consuming high content of refined sugar, processed foods, unhealthy fats can’t be fixed by lemons. So certainly, this has to be used in addition to good healthy practices.

Make small changes in your daily life to support your body and health. Eat more fresh foods, healing foods, well cooked foods, eat the rainbow (all colors veggies),

My special lemon water recipe is in addition to Garlic, Ginger, Lime (optional) and only made with Mineral water.

  • Mineral Water because it contains a lot of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium bicarbonate, iron, zinc, that the body needs. Also it’s fizzy so you don’t feel any urge to drink soda.
  • Garlic because garlic…You already know about this small but mighty plant, an antibiotics, contains vitamins, low calories, contains active compounds that can help the body, and even lower blood pressure, contains antioxidants etc.
  • Ginger because it helps in reducing inflammation, pain and nausea; it’s soothing, it contains vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, folate, riboflavin and niacin…

You see why I like a blend of these items.

 I also use 1-2 limes in my mixtures just for added benefits, for those who don’t like lime, it can be optional.

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